Sunday, May 17, 2015

Weigh-In, Recap and Weekly Goals

Hi, all!

Happy Sunday! Did you all have a good week? My week was pretty good overall and I made some great progress toward my goals. Today is a dreary and hot day, I'm not a fan of it, at all! I don't mind the dreary, but this hot weather is not my cup of tea.

Since today's Sunday, that means my official weigh-in day is here and let me tell you, I had a fantastic result. This morning I weighed in at 309.4, which is a loss of 2.4 pounds!?! Throughout the week, I had a feeling that I would have a bit larger loss than last week, but I wasn't expecting a loss that big. Oh well, I'm pretty happy about it.

Starting Weight: 315 lbs
Last Weight: 311.8 lbs
Current Weight: 309.4 lbs
Weight Lost: 5.6 lbs

My goal was to lose at least half a pound, well I definitely achieved that goal! In fact, I have achieved my monthly goal, in regards to pounds lost. This month I began at 313.4 pounds and my goal was to get down to around 310, well I achieved that and surpassed it. What's even better, I still have another full week to try and achieve more. Hopefully, I'll be down to at least 309 at the end of the month, which would be a loss of 4.4 pounds for the month, I would definitely take that big of a loss.

Okay, onto how I did with my goals this week. As I said, I definitely achieved my weight goal, in fact, I doubled it, almost tripled it. I worked out 6 of 7 days, which was above my goal. I need to workout 4 days this week to achieve my goal for number of sessions. Although I'm still working on achieving my workout session goal, I have surpassed my fitness minutes goal already. My goal was to have 510 minutes and I'm already at 908 minutes, with another week to go. When all is said and done, I'll have my goal at least doubled. I was at or below my calorie goal 6 days this past week, which was amazing. In fact, I was 432 calories under my weekly goal, which contributed to my bigger loss this week. I've weighed in daily, as needed for the weight loss study. It's amazing seeing the number getting lower each day (for the most part), it motivates me to keep making healthier choices. Thankfully, I was able to stay positive each day and even though I gave into temptation a few times, I made sure that it didn't throw me off track. I definitely achieved my blog post goal of 3 days, in fact, I blogged 6 days. I'm continuing to work through my food addiction, I will always be working through it. Right now, I'm just trying to find out what works for me, what keeps me from giving in to temptation. I've found that having the foods that tempt me is helpful. There are two types of foods that are major temptations for me, ice cream and chips. During the week, I had ice cream at night 2 or 3 times, but I measured the serving and made sure it would fit into my day. I did the same thing with chips, if I wanted them, I would have them and measure them. One thing I refuse to do is deprive myself of the foods I'm craving. I've learned that when I deprive myself, sooner or later I will binge on the food or foods I've been craving. Those types of days always throw me off, so I'm trying to avoid them.

Well, now that I recapped last week's goals, here are this weeks goals. As always, they are pretty much the same.

1. Lose .5 - 1 pound
2. Complete 4 cardio sessions, 30 minutes each (at least 120 minutes)
3. Eat within my calorie goal (2300) at least 5 days
4. Weigh-in daily
5. Stay positive
6. Blog at least 3 days
7. Continue to work through my food addiction

There you have it, my weigh-in, recap and goals for this week. It was an amazing week, in all facets and I can't wait to see what my results for this week. I hope that you all are having an amazing Sunday and have an even more amazing week. I wish you luck conquering all of your goals. Until next time!


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