Thursday, May 28, 2015

Orientation and New Day

Hi, all!

Happy Thursday! How are you all doing on this warm, but gorgeous day? The week is almost over, how are your goals coming along? Plus, it's almost the end of the month, have you achieved your monthly goals? Mine are definitely coming along and I can't wait to share about how I did over this past month, in a few days.

I had my orientation for work yesterday and it was great. There were three of us there and I felt pretty old. The one girl was 16 and the other 18, then there was me, almost 25. Oh well, feeling old is a pretty common occurrence these days. I'm really excited to start my job, it'll give me some experience and I'll be able to build up my bank account a little. One nice thing is that I'll be making more than I initially thought, so I'm pretty happy about that.

Yesterday I did okay with my fitness and nutrition. I did well all day until the evening and I ate a little more than what I wanted. I'm fairly certain that I was still at my calorie goal, but it was more than what I was hoping. My eating schedule was all screwed up yesterday because of my orientation, it was at 4 and I wasn't sure how long it would go, so I ate dinner before I left. So, I needed to move my lunch up to 11 and dinner up to 3. I think that's what left me feeling so hungry last night. Today is a new day though and I will make healthier food choices. I did get a 37-minute walk in yesterday, which left me feeling great.

Well, I'm off to go and workout. I hope that you all have an amazing day. Until next time!


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