Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 261

It's a lovely day here outside, sunny and 75. But inside is not so lovely. Today's just not a good day for me, I slept horribly last night because my stomach was turning. And so I have been up since about 3:30 am, which I am not happy about at all. I am freakishly tired and I have a ton of stuff to do today. Today I need to bust out and get done at least 5 of my 10 discussions because I won't have a ton of time tomorrow. Along with that, I went to see my orthopedic surgeon today and I stumped him, which is never a good sign. So now he's referring me to a hand surgeon, hopefully I'll be able to get in to see this doctor soon, since I'm moving in a little over 2 months.

I haven't had the chance to workout yet today. I would have done it earlier today but I was feeling horrendous, but I'm feeling a little better now so I'm going to try and get in my two videos. Honestly, I probably won't push as hard as I could because I don't want to aggravate my stomach too much. But like I've said before, some exercise is better than nothing. Today's SP video is hips, glutes and thighs, I've done this one before and I don't mind this one. So it probably won't be too bad, but I'm not sure about my other videos. Those typically are a little harder, and if I can't handle it then I'll just get some other cardio in instead.

But I suppose, I just wanted to give a little update. I should get to my workout and then get back to my homework. Until next time.


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