Sunday, May 10, 2015

Weigh-In, Recap and Weekly Goals

Hi, all! 

Happy Sunday! How are you all doing on this rainy weekend day? It's a bit cooler here today, but I love it! These 60 degree days can stay here as long as they want! How did your week go? Personally, I cannot believe it is already the weekend, the week has flown by for me. Since it's Sunday, there are a few things that I want to talk about today. First, I'll be recapping my weekend. Second, it's my official weigh-in day. Third, I'll recap how my week went and I'll be sharing my results for the week. 

I'll start with Friday. I had an amazing time at the wedding on Friday night! The bride was beautiful, as she always is, and it was wonderful to celebrate her binding herself to her best friend for the rest of their lives. I still can't really believe that the bride and I are old enough to be getting married, it seems like only yesterday we were 7-years-old and meeting for the first time. It's crazy how fast life passes us by. I also was able to spend some time with a few of my friends and I talked to some individuals whom I haven't seen in a very long time. I'm proud of myself, even while having some pie, I was able to stick right around my calorie goal! The reason for that is that I didn't get seconds, had some of the fruit as an appetizer, and stayed away from the candy bar. Small changes. 

Yesterday didn't go as well as Friday did, I made a variety of unhealthy food choices throughout the day and evening, my stomach is hurting this morning because of it as well. During lunch and an afternoon snack alone, I ate almost all of my calorie goal, plus I had my normal breakfast, dinner, and an evening snack. Needless to say, it wasn't a good day. It almost seemed like since I made one unhealthy choice, I let myself make more unhealthy choices as the day continued. It was definitely a step back, but I'll move past it. 

Today is mother's day and our meal tonight will be pretty calorie rich. My mom doesn't want to cook tonight, so instead of letting me cook, yesterday she picked up some take and bake pizzas from a local place. This pizza is was too delicious and it's a good thing that we don't eat it often. I know that I will eat more of it than I need, pizza is one of those things for me. That's why if I do eat it, I make a personal one for myself, where I can control the calorie count and ingredients that go into it. Today I'm going to make healthy choices throughout the day and then at dinner, I'll eat with moderation. 

Okay, onto my weigh-in. This week I weighed in at 311.8, which is a loss of .6 pounds from last week! It's not a huge loss, but I'll take it, especially since I was off a few days this week. 

Starting Weight: 315 lbs
Last Weight: 312.4 lbs
Current Weight: 311.8 lbs
Weight Lost: 3.2 lbs

Now onto the recap of my weekly goals. My goal was to lose .5-1 pound and I achieved that goal! :) I also achieved my fitness minutes goal, in fact, I surpassed it by 123 minutes. I typically won't get quite so many minutes in a week, but a few days I go in extra long workouts. I did achieve my goal of eating within my calorie goal at least 5 days, however, I'm still not necessarily happy with how I did nutritionally this week. I weighed in daily for the weight loss study. For the most part, I stayed positive. I definitely blogged 3 times this week, in fact, it was more than that. I drank at least 64 oz of water each day. Finally, I did continue to work through my food addiction. There were positives and negatives this week, but I think overall, I am making strides. Now, the one thing that I didn't accomplish this week was completing 50 tasks, but I did do 31. 

I'm making good progress on my monthly goals as well. I've lost 1.6 of 3 pounds thus far, 1.4 pounds to go to reach my goal. I've had 7 of 17 workouts and have 387 of 510 minutes completed. I've eaten within my calorie goal 6 of 21 days and had 3 of 10 days out of my calorie goal. I've weighed in daily and stayed positive. So far, I've completed 50 of 200 tasks. Finally, I've blogged 7 of 12 times. I am definitely on track to achieve all of my goals for this month. 

My goals for this coming week are the same as last week. Each week they'll probably stay the same because they are all helping me work toward my monthly and yearly goals. 

1. Lose .5-1 pound
2. Complete four 30-minute cardio sessions (120 minutes)
3. Eat within my calorie goal (2320) at least 5 days
4. Weigh-in daily - for weight loss study
5. Complete at least 50 tasks
6. Stay positive
7. Blog at least 3 days/week
8. Continue to work through my food addiction
9. Drink at least 64 oz of water/day

Well, there are my goals and I can't wait to report how I do on them next week. This is where I'm going to sign off. I've got to go and make myself some lunch and do some reading while my mom is celebrating mothers day with my parents and sisters. Then we'll be having my brother's family come over tonight to celebrate mother's day. I hope you all have an amazing mother's day and week. Until next time!


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