Thursday, April 30, 2015

Weigh-In and Measurements

Hi, all!

Happy Thursday! How are you all doing on this beautiful day? Can you all believe that it's the final day of April? I can't, this month has simply flown by and I cannot wait to see what May has in store for me. My one final paper has been graded and I'm ending the class with a 100%, which makes me incredibly happy.

It is the final day of April, which means that I had a weigh-in and took my measurements. I loved the results I saw at my weigh-in, although, I do believe that the number was off. So, I'm not going to get too excited about that 5 lb. loss, if it's at that number or lower at my next weigh-in, then I'll get excited.

Starting Weight: 315 lbs
Last Weight: 313.4 lbs
Current Weight: 308.4 lbs
Weight Lost: 5 lbs

My measurements ended up being just as I assumed they would, each one of the numbers increased a small amount. That's what happens when you fall off the wagon for a few months and gain back most of the weight you've lost. I've gained 15.96 inches since February, which is insane. Honestly, I can't believe it, but when the tape measure is around me and that's the number I'm seeing, I know it's true. This morning, I also ordered a fat caliper, one that many professionals use because I wanted to be able to measure my body fat percentage more accurately. Also, it will help me see my results in a way other than the number on the scale. I'll be honest, when I first saw that I gained back all of this weight, I felt really depressed about it, I couldn't believe that I let myself get back to this weight. Finally, I'm accepting the fact that I do weigh over 300 pounds again and that I need to work hard again if I want to get to my goal weight. My problem before was that I never worked on my food addiction. I did workout and ate less, which led to me losing weight. However, I didn't address the deeper issues and that is what led me to get back to this point. But, now it's time to move forward and look toward the future. 

I had another good day yesterday, which I'm very happy about. I was under my calorie goal again and had a great 40-minute walk. I'm feeling really motivated and wanting to workout even more, but my hip won't allow that right now. Hopefully, my hip will be feeling up to more, including lower body strength training, soon because I'm really missing being able to do more. This coming week, I'm going to begin upper body strength training along with my walking.

Well, I'm off. Time to have some lunch and then create a few upper body strength training routines for next week. I hope that you all have an amazing day. Until next time!


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