Sunday, December 16, 2012

Year 1 Day 86 (Day 451)

It has been an interesting few days. Beginning yesterday I have gotten quite sick, I am in the beginning of an intense sinus thing. Not sure if it's a sinus infection or what it is but I do know that my sinus' are killing me. Along with that my Fibromyalgia has been acting up quite a bit, I need to get back into my chiropractic schedule. Feeling dizzy half the time as well, so working out won't be happening today. I have to take care of my health right now, I'll just be trying my best with my diet.

I wrote in a forum on one of the sites that I'm a part of and it was some goals for 2013 and I thought I would share those with everyone. Plus if I share them, I would appreciate people keeping me accountable for these things. And I think that I need to start doing monthly goals, doing this may help keep me more motivated. But that will have to wait until January because December is already half over, I will be coming up with a few goals for the last days of this month. Here are my goals for 2013:

1. Get down to at least 250 pounds (I will need to lose 36 pounds this next year to hit that point)
2. Lower my body fat by 5-10%
3. Go down at least 1 clothing size
4. Be able to walk a 5K in under 30 minutes
5. Begin lifting more heavily on a regular basis
6. Continue working towards my Bachelor's degree in Psychology
7. Finally be with my fiance and start my life with him
8. Be the healthiest bride that I can be
9. Work out at least 4 day a week for at least 30 minutes
10. Stay motivated and/or positive
11. Stop unhealthy snacking
12. Begin to eat cleaner
13. Complete the 30 Day Shred
14. Continue drinking at least 100 oz of water a day

I know that I can accomplish all of these goals if I really set my mind to it. 2013 is going to be a great year, I will be married, getting closer to being done with my Bachelor's degree and I will accomplish so many things with my weight loss.

And might as well come up with some goals for the rest of this month:
1. Get over this sickness that I currently have
2. Work out at least 4 days per week for at least 30 minutes
3. Stay within my calorie range every day
4. Lose 1-2 pounds
5. Increase my mileage each time I walk
6. Begin lifting 3 days a week
7. Stop unhealthy snacking

It was a fun but very tolling night for me. My father's birthday is on Wednesday, but he works that night so we celebrated with my grandparents and my brother's family. We all always have a fun time, and I love spending time with all of them. But it was very hard with how I am feeling today, I am dizzy so often so the light and sound took a major toll on me. So now I'm laying in my room in the dark, and as soon as I am done with this blog I am going to head to bed. I should probably go now, since rest is even more important while I am sick. So until next time.


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